Friday, June 4, 2010

The World: Trashy?

Every day I go outside. Whether it be because I need to take a walk, run errands, or that I'm merely hanging out with friends, I go outside. When I go outside, I'm in public. When I'm in public, I see things. Things that have begun bothering me. I see people. Now before I go any further, you are probably wondering, "there are people everywhere, why are you so bothered by people? Are you some conceited bastard that thinks they're better than everyone else?" Well, I do not think I am better than everyone else, no. But there is something I would like to point out that has recently come to my attention and has started to frustrate me.

There is a general question I would like to introduce to you before I start this rant, and my question is:
"Why do people dress so trashy?"

I'm not talking about particular people. I'm talking about in general. The general public, if you would have it. I feel as though the general public of the twenty-first century has a bad fashion standard. Not horrible, if it fits well and is put together well, it can be pretty decent. However, compared to the past, it has gone very downhill. So let me rephrase that: I feel as though the general public since the 1960s has taken fashion downhill.

This is what you see when you go out in public:

You go outside and all you see are men and women in jeans and t-shirts, shorts, tank-tops, leggings, short skirts, crazy sunglasses... We have all of these random clashing "stereotypical" styles such as hipsters, goths, preps, ravers, etc. Nothing is very appealing. Let me ask you this, what ever happened to "classy"? What ever happened to "elegant"? In the 1920s fashion seemed very important. Women would wear classy dresses that fit the seasons, men would wear classy suits and shirts. It was fantastic! As time progressed fashion seemed to still be pretty impressive. Flappers were cool. The entire vintage look was cool.

This was very nice! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

But then the 60s came... People started getting lazy. The only people I give credit to were the hippies, because they legitimately didn't give a fuck about their fashion, they just wanted to be close with nature, have sex, do drugs, and live in a peaceful world. They were pissed off that living in a peaceful world is pretty impossible when you're government takes advantage of everyone else because they're a bunch of greedy assholes, which is why they made a fuss about it. Well, if I finally realized that for the first time and there were a bunch of people willing to bring it to the attention of the public, I'd join them make a fuss about it too! Anyways...

Then the 70s came. I don't quite know what happened there, but it didn't look to snazzy. Remember, I'm speaking about the general public, not those select few that did in fact do something interesting. Particular musicians and such do not count in this rant.

Finally the 80s came, and I think people just gave up on being classy altogether. Even the makeup seemed disastrous.

When the 90s came it was over. No one gave a shit and everyone turned into bums. Even when they tried to be classy, they failed big time. It's as though they had long lost the ability to design a decent suit or dress. They thoght they knew how to make a nice women's suit, but instead they shat out some extra puffy shoulder pads and taper and plead every pair of pants in existence. Now, in 2010, we just have better fitted clothing. Mostly, we all still look like bums, but bums that wear clothes that actually fit them in a semi appealing way. There are people who do take the initiative to dress classy, wearing nice shirts, nice pants, and nice dresses. A nice suit will occasionally show up on the streets, and a glimmer of hope is given off from those people who can and do wear classy clothes in public, all of the time. The majority of us, however, are not at all classy. We do not seem to want to wear dresses and suits in public every day, we'd rather wear jeans and a t-shirt. Sad? Yes. To me this is sad. I feel like we have grown very lazy. Do I care too much? No. I have better things to do than try to advocate the regeneration of societies classiness. We have the fucking environment to save and the world to take care of! There are developing countries that need our help! Hell, there are people in our country that need are help! Furthermore, our society is too damn expensive for us to all go back to our classy roots. Money is much different now than it was then. So with that, I finish my rant.


Ryan B. said...

Great Point, and I agree! That's why I love dressing up. And if I am wearing my standard (jeans & a t-shirt), I always try to wear interesting ones.

Kaleah said...

Haha and you're good at that, that's for sure! ;D