Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm Writing A Story!

So currently I've been very busy. I'm in an intense 3 week psychology class that's 4 hours long, 4 days a week (in the early morn). Although it's only 4 hours a day, due to the fact that I'm sitting on my butt 95% of the time, it feels like 10 hours. It's very difficult to maintain composure while sitting in class, for my stomach has gotten into the habit of whining at me very loudly because it's not getting what it wants, when it wants it (it being food). It's as if my stomach is a small child whining about wanting me to buy it a toy in the store, but I forgot my purse, and therefore cannot buy that toy at the moment. When I get home, however, I will be able to get my purse and thus, the child will get their toy. But the child doesn't comprehend the fact that waiting will eventually satisfy its undying need for that toy, and continues to pester me and everyone else around it with its whining.

Yes, I did just compare my stomach's growling to a child's whining.

On top of that, as if that isn't annoyingly distracting enough, my butt decides that it's going to fall asleep within two and a half hours of class time. I am sitting, trying to calm my annoying stomach, and then my butt says, "Hey! Guess what!? Fuck you, I'm going to turn into jell-o now and you can't do a thing about it... Bitch." Well do you know what, Butt? See if I do anything nice for you anymore! See if I go out of my way to get you a cushioned seat once I get my bicycle! See if I... See if I... Yeah I don't really know where this is going... But it feels awkward.

Segueing into the next thing I want to announce: I'm in the process of writing a book. It's a "children's" book. Now I put children's in quotations because it's not quite appropriate for children, for it's slightly violent. However, there will be illustrations and I will try my best to complete it and make it as interesting as possible. It will be short, but it will be sweet. I'm not going to give away too much information on it, but I'm just going to say this:

"Oh yes, there will be zombies."


Ryan B. said...

Hang in there girl! I know it's hard work, but it'll be worth it in the end.

This Children's story intrigues me...Can't wait to read it!

Kaleah said...
