Saturday, May 8, 2010

Break Me Out!

I said I was going to follow a schedule of "Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday", but seeing that I already accidentally broke the schedule by uploading on a Wednesday, I said to myself, "hey, fuck it! I'll post a blog whenever I damn well please!" So here I am, posting on a Saturday. This is more of a venting blog, so if you're not into hearing the downside of everything in the strangest and vaguest details, then I would suggest googling "medieval torture methods" or something entertaining along those lines. If you are interested, however, then you're in the right place. So, "Be still!"

I am home for the summer and I completely regret this forced decision. Though I had no control over the fact that I'm to be in a different state, ripped from my friends and all that is good, I am regretful. Does that make sense? It's the strangest and worst feeling I've experienced. Let me put this into some sort of perspective:

You're on a train and you know that in approximately two hours, that the train is going to drive off of a cliff into a one-hundred-thousand foot hole. The fact that you're going to be trapped in that hole is inevitable, but you cannot accept that. You will not. So you have that aching feeling of what's going to happen in the near future welling up in your throat until, finally, you are ripped from your comfort zone and tossed into oblivion. You reach the bottom and feel claustrophobic because everything is familiar, yet unfamiliar, and no one is there to listen to or comfort you. No one is telling you that everything will be alright. No one is even there to distract you from the fact that you just fell one-hundred-thousand feet into complete isolation. You are basically in jail. You try to come up with ways to escape, but it's just too high up, and the walls are much too smooth to climb. You constantly think of what you could have done to avoid this hell. "Maybe I could have jumped off of the train?" but you quickly realize that that would be suicidal, for the tracks were running through a sea of lava and acid. You think, "what if I flew?" but realized that only insects, bats, and birds can fly, and scold yourself for coming up with such foolish ideas. What a stupid, stupid person you are!

As you sit in your oversized jail cell, you can't help but think of all the things you've been pried from. You can't help but feel that things have been forcefully messed up. Although you rationalize that you'll only be in this cell for fifteen weeks, you still feel that your life before those fifteen weeks began is slowly being hit by a semi-truck going about 128 mph. *When I say "slowly" I mean that the horrid event is happening at about a "frame-by-frame" rate. You can feel it happening in such a way, and if you could see it happening, that is what it would look like. It seems like you can do something to interfere, because it is happening so slowly, but the end result is just as damaging as if it were happening at a normal rate. Whilst thinking about this awful near future, it begins to rain. You notice that it's always gloomy in jail.

As you're thinking about the fact that your former life is now about to have a one-on-one collision with a rampant semi-truck, you feel helpless. You have no control. Again, the walls are much too high and much too smooth for you to climb out! Occasionally, your friends will peek over the edge of the cliff from which you fell, and smile down at you. This gives you hope. But usually, the friends you truly miss will peek over the edge, and stare into the distance. You realize that you are too far down for them to see you. When you call their name, they'll briefly respond, but quickly move on. You constantly stare up, helplessly, hoping that they will once call your name, but they never do. You then look at your arm and realize that you're invisible. "Oh dear!" you say, "how will they ever notice that I'm down here if I can barely see myself?! What an awful place this is!" Though you know you are invisible - or rather, transparent (you are not completely gone, you are just very difficult to see), you continue to stare up to the top, occasionally seeing your friends sitting at the ledge, seeming to be completely ignorant of your existence. You have no idea what to do. You have almost nothing to distract you and cause time to go by faster, so you sit and cry. You feel like you are being strangled by an invisible python. You want to pull it off and somehow fly out of this jail, but it's no use, your hands have turned into melting candles and if you put them near your neck to free yourself from the python you have two problems:

1) your hands are slippery because they consist of melting wax, and your fingers have melted, causing your hands to be gripless blobs.

2) if you put your newly transformed hands anywhere near your face, the flames will burn your eyes.

It's a lose-lose situation. What can you do? You constantly think about how things used to be before you fell into this jail cell, which only makes you more depressed. You're sick of crying about how things have been crumbling within the last week and a half, but cannot stop yourself. You have fifteen weeks. You have no advice. You sit and continue to sulk. Suddenly! You see a strange, flashing light in the distance. It appears to be a robot (you guys reading are the robot). You're intrigued. You go up to the robot and it has a sign attached to it. "FOR POSSIBLE ADVICE, PRESS THE FLASHING BUTTON." You press the flashing button and wait.... Wait.... Wait.... As you wait, you will go through a constant cycle of crying, spacing out, talking sense into yourself, crying, spacing out, talking sense into yourself, etc.

What happens with the robot?


Unknown said...

that kind of sounds like how i felt when i first moved to indiana, also when i finally moved back i felt the same. feeling like your friends just disregard your existence and wanting what you left behind. that sucks, hopefully things well get better.

i don't know about you, but finding amazing new music always make my day better.

Kaleah said...

Thanks! I like the song! Yeah... I hope I'm overreacting. Maybe things will be okay..